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RAIN: A Song Cycle

RAIN: A Song Cycle was published in 2015 as part of the “RAIN: La Lluvia” exhibit at the Columbia Center for the Arts in Hood River, Oregon. This 26-page, handbound book is for sale in limited edition. The songs, arranged loosely as a single rainstorm, celebrate the beauty of rain. To order a copy, email Christine at christine@christinecolasurdo.com.


An excerpt:


For wet millennia the old forest has known:

It’s the tallest tree that drinks the wettest rain.

Leaf and life have language with rain.

No tree that doesn’t own a philosophy of rain.

No rain that doesn’t dream of trees.

No landscape that doesn’t self-fulfill

in sentences spelled by gravity and weather

and the spelling always changes.

The language of rain is spoken

through all discriminate routes of water.

Slope becomes the great shaper.

Slope is one way to surrender to rain.

When you surrender to rain you surrender

to more than just rain.


© 2015 Christine Colasurdo